Monday, March 27, 2006

Joseph at 7 Months

Peeking out of baby prison. Joe spends a lot of time in his crib. It's not unusual for us to hear the music from his Ocean Wonders Aquarium from his room before we hear him. He just loves music.

Hey, a visitor! When we go to get him out of his crib he gives a big grin. He cannot wait for kisses and hugs.

Don't worry, it's not so bad in here. He loves to roll around and play in his crib. He's now in the earliest stages of learning to crawl. When he's not goofing off, he's up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth.

On second thought, get me out of here, I'm ready to play! He just loves attention and no toy is better than Mama or Dada. He's not talking yet, but does babble "mamamama" and "dadadada". Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

MelJoy said...

Did you get an agent for Dude yet? He needs one. He could so sell some baby food!! :) xoxo mel