Sunday, April 23, 2006

After Easter Update

Joe's Godmother Mary Anne Hays celebrated her birthday on April 19th - happy birthday Mary Anne!

We had a very nice time at Mom's over the Easter weekend. It was such a busy few days for Joseph. He's used to just hanging out at home with his little quiet family. We had a terrific time seeing Julia, Anthony & Kaiya. They brought their new puppy Bella with them. Mom's dog Honey did not like a new poochie sniffing around. They sure made a racket! I think by Sunday afternoon they were finally getting used to one another.

We really enjoyed it when Matt's sister Dawn stopped by on Saturday. She brought along Kyle and his girlfriend (well, really Kyle brought her - he's driving now). They all seemed to be doing great and I'm so happy that Joe finally got to meet his aunt Dawn. That's her, below holding him in the striped shirt.

Sunday the Easter Bunny had come and brought goodies for all of the kids. They were so excited! Anthony & Kaiya were all hopped up on sugar by 9am. They did behave themselves though. We had our big meal around noon. My deviled eggs were a hit with everyone (except Anthony who was afraid to try them). We left Mom's in the afternoon and went to 5:00 Mass at St. Martin's. Joe was very fussy. Matt had to take him to the back of the church a few times during the service. Needless to say, we slept like logs Sunday night.

Joe's latest milestone: Last Thursday (April 13th) I went to get him out of his room following his nap and he was STANDING in his crib, holding on for dear life waiting for me to come get him! He's still working on the crawling thing. Who knows, maybe he'll skip that all together. I hope not, I'm not ready for a walking boy! Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 14, 2006

Welcome everyone! Glad to see you've stopped by. Now it's time for you to post! Don't be shy! C'mon everyone - what are your Easter plans?
Matt, Joe and I will be heading down to my mom's house Fredericksburg, VA to celebrate Easter, Mom & Dan's birthdays and Matt's sister Dawn's birthday (today! Happy Birthday Dawn and Mark!) Hopefully, Joseph will meet his Aunt Dawn and Cousin Kyle for the first time on Saturday. We will also have the chance to see Aunt Julia and Cousins Anthony & Kaiya. I'm in charge of making the deviled eggs - I'm pretty sure I can handle that. Last time we went down to Fredericksburg I forgot all of my breastpump stuff (don't ask me how I managed to do that) and we had to turn around and leave -grrrr. I'm making a list and checking it twice this time! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and that you all are touched by many of God's blessings.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Easter Time!

Joe I know you're going to hate this when you're older, but for now I just couldn't resist! Happy Easter everyone!
Love, Jennifer