Friday, April 14, 2006

Welcome everyone! Glad to see you've stopped by. Now it's time for you to post! Don't be shy! C'mon everyone - what are your Easter plans?
Matt, Joe and I will be heading down to my mom's house Fredericksburg, VA to celebrate Easter, Mom & Dan's birthdays and Matt's sister Dawn's birthday (today! Happy Birthday Dawn and Mark!) Hopefully, Joseph will meet his Aunt Dawn and Cousin Kyle for the first time on Saturday. We will also have the chance to see Aunt Julia and Cousins Anthony & Kaiya. I'm in charge of making the deviled eggs - I'm pretty sure I can handle that. Last time we went down to Fredericksburg I forgot all of my breastpump stuff (don't ask me how I managed to do that) and we had to turn around and leave -grrrr. I'm making a list and checking it twice this time! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and that you all are touched by many of God's blessings.

1 comment:

MelJoy said...

Hi! I sent Dawn an ecard for her birthday - I don't know if Mark has an email account or I would have sent him one too. Have a great Easter! We'll be home - I'm real glad about that too since I've been out of town a lot lately for work. I'll cook and it'll just be us and a neighbor. Kind of low key - the way I like it sometimes. Anyway, hugs and kisses to all, Mel.