Monday, June 19, 2006

First Father's Day Weekend

We had a wonderful Father's Day weekend here at the Romasco house. My dad came from Florida for a business trip and we had a great visit (a foodfest weekend).

Friday night Dad took us out to Red Lobster for an early birthday celebration for me. I had my favorite dish there - (the shrimp & lobster Caesar salad). We hadn't been there since I was pregnant, so I really enjoyed it.

Saturday we went to yes, India Palace for lunch. Believe me, you cannot come visit us without being dragged to India Palace. Actually, everyone who's had a meal there has enjoyed it. Even some Indian food phobics have been converted to "we should go back to that Indian place...."

Saturday night we went to Roy's Place for dinner. It's a local sandwich joint with about 300 sandwiches on the menu. We were joined by my Uncle Lee & Aunt Dottie. Great food and great conversation.

Sunday we got up bright & early to bring Dad to the airport :(

Afterwards, we headed to Home Depot to buy some light fixtures for the basement. It wasn't open when we arrived, so we waited in the car until it opened. We selected the fixtures we wanted, but they only had 1 in stock. They said that the Germantown store had 24 in stock, so we went out to breakfast at IHOP and then up to the Germantown Home Depot. We got what we needed and Matt installed them right away. The basement is really shaping up nicely, but our carpet installation was postponed from last Friday to the 22nd. I can't wait for Joe to have room to crawl again! We brought him to church on Sunday night and he was just a whirling dervish. He would not hold still no matter what we tried, and he was making lots of noise too. Of course he'd had an awfully busy few days. Today he's back to his usual sweet self. Thank goodness...we're exhausted!
I hope all fathers had a wonderful day.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Coming to see Joe :-)

I'll be up in the DC area the week of June 12 on biz, and will spend Friday and Sat night at Jennifer and Matts. Joe is SUCH a good-looking li'l guy. I can hardly wait to see him, of course. And Lee and Dottie will join us Saturday night for dinner.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are!

Alright everyone, where are you? Am I blogging to myself? I've had a few people request that I keep putting pics of Joe up, but I'd like to see some posts. What's happening with you all? I want to know! Don't be shy. You could at least leave a little note to let us know you've stopped by.

Joseph just had his 9 mos. checkup. He is a tiny boy, here are his stats:

Birth - length: 19 3/4" weight: 6 lbs., 4 oz.
2 Weeks - length: 20 1/4" weight: 6 lbs., 11 oz.
2 mos. - length: 21 3/4" weight: 10 lbs.
4 mos. - length: 24" weight: 12 lbs., 8 oz.
6 mos. - length: 25 7/8" weight: 14 lbs., 7 oz.
9 mos. - length: 27" weight: 16 lbs., 4 oz. (gained exactly 10 lbs. since birth)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Joe Goes Mobile

Well, as you can see Joe is quite mobile these days. He's standing up in all of these pictures. He pulls himself up on every stick of furniture we have and he crawls like the wind! He's a little hurricane ripping through the house! He's no longer happy to sit and be hugged, he just wants to go go go.

The basement is still a wreck, so his crawling space has been cut by two-thirds. Last weekend Matt ripped out the basement carpet and has begun painting the trim in the room. All of the walls will be painted white. We're having some trouble getting carpeting. Hopefully, we'll select something soon
and the installation won't take too long.

Dad will be here Father's Day weekend and I'd like to have a decent place for him to stay. We haven't seen him since Joe was teeny tiny.

The upheaval of the basement is causing a lot of small problems. Joe is currently restricted to the living room and goes absolutely stir crazy by evening. We've been trying to get him out of the house a lot to keep him happy. The living room is just too small for a boy ready to explore the world.
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