Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Joe Goes Mobile

Well, as you can see Joe is quite mobile these days. He's standing up in all of these pictures. He pulls himself up on every stick of furniture we have and he crawls like the wind! He's a little hurricane ripping through the house! He's no longer happy to sit and be hugged, he just wants to go go go.

The basement is still a wreck, so his crawling space has been cut by two-thirds. Last weekend Matt ripped out the basement carpet and has begun painting the trim in the room. All of the walls will be painted white. We're having some trouble getting carpeting. Hopefully, we'll select something soon
and the installation won't take too long.

Dad will be here Father's Day weekend and I'd like to have a decent place for him to stay. We haven't seen him since Joe was teeny tiny.

The upheaval of the basement is causing a lot of small problems. Joe is currently restricted to the living room and goes absolutely stir crazy by evening. We've been trying to get him out of the house a lot to keep him happy. The living room is just too small for a boy ready to explore the world.
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