Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday. We had a nice time here in Gaithersburg. Joe was expecting the Easter Mouse to come (I have no idea), but the Bunny came instead. I don't think he was too disappointed. He hunted plastic eggs indoors because we had some snow on Saturday and the ground was soggy. The above photo shows him after a long morning and afternoon filled with tons of candy and no nap. Luckily he did take a little break and Matt and I had a chance to visit a bit with Uncle Roger and Mom. Rog brought the Bee Movie for Joe and a beautiful Easter Lily for me. Mom brought Joe a 2nd Easter basket filled with goodies including the 101 Dalmatians movie. He is in danger of being spoiled beyond oblivion. Joe doesn't understand religion yet, but he did say the traditional mealtime prayer for us. It was very sweet. Dinner was good. We had a Honeybaked ham, red rice, spinach & strawberry salad, deviled eggs and Swiss asparagus quiche. I think everyone enjoyed dinner. Mom made a delicious chocolate macadamia pie. We missed celebrating with most of the family and hope we'll all be together soon. Hopefully I'll be able to post again before Joe has reached the age of majority.

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