Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Life With a THREE Year Old

This picture sums up life with a three year old boy. We try to remain steady and calm while he's always kicking up his heels.

Gosh, so I haven't been blogging lately. What have we been up to?

Joseph celebrated his third birthday several times over the last few weeks. He went to Chuck E. Cheese's for the first time. That was chaotic, but he had tons of fun with Ron, MaryAnne, Natalie and Lizzy. Another day Grammy came over to celebrate. She brought Joe just what he asked for - a hook (plastic). Yep, as in "Captain Hook". That went great with one of the gifts we gave him - a sword (foam). Now he runs around with one in each hand shouting "HA!" as he lunges. On his actual birthday we went to Cabin John Park for fun and came home and enjoyed ice cream cake. He received lots of wonderful gifts from family and friends and has been loving every minute of being the center of attention.

Today was Joe's first day of preschool. He goes to Creative Tot Time twice each week. He ran right in and started playing with the children and toys. He didn't notice I left him there and didn't cry during the session. When I went to get him he said "Mommy, I was looking for you". I think he'll adjust just fine. They go outside to play every day unless it's raining or snowing. He told me today that they had muffins and apple juice and blueberries for a snack. The parents are required to provide a healthy snack for the class once a month or so. There are two teachers and 14 children in his class.

I've uploaded lots of new pictures to the FlickR album. They're mostly from Joe's day out at Cabin John. He's between haircuts, so looking a bit shabby. Maybe we'll get another crew cut in the next week or so. I hope to blog again soon. That's about it for life in our little Romasco World at the moment. Hope everyone is well.

1 comment:

JerryFLA said...

I loved the story you told me about saying the dinner blessing the day after Joe had his first visit to Chuck E. Cheeses.
When you asked him to thank Jesus for the food, he said, "Thank you for this food, Chucky Jesus!"