Sunday, May 25, 2008

Joseph in Wonderland

First of all, no one voted. Secondly, it's only hair & will grow back. Lastly, we think it's cute -even if he looks a little bit like Curious George.
MaryAnne has been telling me about Dutch Wonderland for a couple of years. Yesterday was absolutely spectacular weather, so we decided to take Joe to the Kiddie Kingdom. He had an amazing time although he cried repeatedly throughout the day. The problem was that he was very upset each and every time his ride ended. He wanted more more more! Too bad so many of the rides were so brief. I guess that would suit many 2 yr. olds, but not Joe. He has an adventurous spirit and was not afraid to try anything. He climbed up a high spiral staircase in a tower and slid down all by himself. Over and over again. Then again. Then he cried because we tried to take him to a different activity. The he wanted to do that one over and over again and cried when we tried to take him somewhere else. Fortunately, by the end of the day he was so tuckered out that he didn't cry at all when we left the park. He slept like a rock last night. Who am I kidding? We ALL slept like rocks. Whew, to be two years old again...

1 comment:

Laura said...

He looks awesome! I was beginning to wonder if Joe was going to start rocking the Rene-Charles Dion

or Ryder Russell look